Today I Blew It.
I’d made breakfast for everyone in the house before the sun rose. I kissed the husband goodbye and got the kids ready for the day.
“Okay guys, long sleeves and long pants,” I said as I shooed them to their rooms, still cleaning the kitchen.
“Why? Where are we going?”
“What are we doing today?”
“Do dinosaurs have wives?”
“So what if I were a Christmas elf? Could I only come here after Thanksgiving!?”
That’s when it happened. I snapped.
This isn’t about being a yelling mom or discouraging yelling. It’s not about taking a stance on gentle discipline or a lesson on why we shouldn’t shame our kids.
I don’t need your intervention, Karen.
In a perfect world, I’d follow all of those instructions every single time.
But in my world, on this day, things fell apart. I’m human and I’m far from perfect. We all are and I feel like it’s time we start giving ourselves a break.
Y’all, I yelled.
Karen, step away from the number for CPS. No one was hurt…unless you count my feelings.
Friends, I’m not here to lecture anymore than to ask for forgiveness. It just is.
I can’t smile or be Pinterest perfect all the time. I don’t even want to be because it wouldn’t be real.
I want my kids to grow up in a home where they see that their parents are fallible.
We make mistakes.
It doesn’t excuse our behavior but it does give them the grace to know that it’s okay to mess up as long as we take a breath, admit our shortcomings, and humbly ask for forgiveness.
So, yep. I blew it today, friends.
But then I took a breath.
I apologized to my son.
We cried and hugged. I told my husband and best friend that I felt like garbage. And I picked the pieces up and began to attempt to put them together again.
Because that’s what we do as parents.
**Follow me on IG @themamaontherocks